​​Research the causes or issues that are important to you. BTM helps young boys between the age of 9-17 to understand the social importance of maturing into a productive citizen.  

Consider what you have to offer. If you enjoy outdoor work, or have a knack for teaching, you may want to ask about our mentoring opportunities. Similarly, you may want to think about your specific personality and how your organization skills or communication style might fit with different organizations or activities. Let BTM help you in your volunteering direction.

Think outside the box! Many community groups that are looking for volunteers, like neighborhood watch programs, prisons, disaster relief organizations, youth organizations, intergenerational programs, and park services may not have occurred to you but could just be the perfect fit. 

Take Initiative - There’s no need to wait to be asked. There are many ways help BTM. Ask your friends or colleagues if they would like to volunteer for BTM. 

Once you understand what your interest are, request an interview and plan for it in much the same way that you would plan for a job interview. Be ready to describe your interests, qualifications, and background, and also be prepared to ask BTM interviewers about our organization and the benefits we offer to our volunteers. BTM can find the right match for your skills and interests. 

Learn something new. Consider whether the organization offers training or professional development opportunities for their volunteers. Volunteering can provide you with the chance to learn about something you’re interested in and develop skills in a new area.

Find the volunteer activity that fits your schedule. BTM has different levels of commitment for different types of volunteer activities. Serving as a mentor, for example, will require a regular, intensive commitment, while volunteering for a walk-a-thon is a seasonal commitment. 

Virtual Volunteering- yes, there is such a thing. If you have computer access and the necessary skills, some organizations now offer the opportunity to do volunteer work over the computer. This can be a great way to get started in volunteering, and can also provide a way to volunteer at home on a flexible schedule.